25 August 2011

Il Palio

The Palio is the oldest horse race in the world and happens right in the main piazza of Siena two times a year. The different contrade or "neighborhoods" compete for bragging rights and a tapestry which they hang in their church.  A Sienese's life practically revolves around this event that happens two times a year in July and August. Its a huge deal.  Like really huge: I have seen grown men cry and massive fist fights over this thing. I could go on and on about the contrade and more about the Palio, but instead I'll leave you this link.

There were so many people, we had to arrive over three hours in advance to secure a standing spot in the middle of the piazza (a seat on the bleachers starts at 400 euro!).  All for a race that was less than two minutes long.  But it was a blast and worth the wait, but next time I'd prefer to watch from one of the balconies.

The assignment of the horses to each contrada a few days prior:

The contrada flags on the Palazzo Pubblico

Bambini with their fazzoletti:

Sienese men discussing at one of the trials:

The horses were beautiful:

Waiting for it all to start:

The coveted Palio (tapestry):

Just a few people in the piazza: